Maxi Cube Carousel Storage

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Maxi Cube Carousel Storage is a high density system which maximises the height of the building and provides automated picking and retrieval

Carousel Storage Systems

The Maxi Cube Carousel Storage solution is a highly flexible, high density storage solution which delivers an incredible level of storage capacity, space utilisation, picking efficiency and security.

A vertical storage carousel maximises the available height in your facility and the intelligent height optimisation process within the system ensures that no space is wasted.

The automated carousel storage and retrieval system transforms the picking process by using the “Goods to Man” principle which means that the stored products are automatically retrieved from the system and presented at the access point for easy collection.

However, one of the key benefits of carousel storage is the unrivalled security which the system can offer. As well as all of the products being contained within a solid steel structure, access can be limited via basic PIN protection or even fingerprint scanning to track usage.

Contact us today to discuss your carousel storage requirements or check out a recent Carousel Storage case study.

Maxi Cube: Carousel storage solutions maximising warehouse space and improving efficiency for industrial units across Scotland and the UK.

Storage Carousels | Small Parts Storage Carousel | Vertical Storage Carousel

Carousel Storage for High Value Products
Automated Storage Carousel

Key Benefits

  • Storage Carousels can deliver incredible capacity within very small floor spaceStorage Carousels can deliver incredible capacity within very small floor space
  • Vertical storage carousel maximises available height of buildingVertical storage carousel maximises available height of building
  • Carousel storage can improve order picking productivity and accuracyCarousel storage can improve order picking productivity and accuracy
  • Carousel storage can increase security and reduce stock lossCarousel storage can increase security and reduce stock loss
  • Can reduce energy costs and carbon emissionsCan reduce energy costs and carbon emissions

Related case studies

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